Bare Trees: Mark Leach

Artist Karin Goeppert has suggested that we look at the work of pastelist Mark Leach for the theme of bare trees. Karin says:
One of my favourite painters is the English pastelist Mark Leach. He was born in 1952 and unfortunately passed away prematurely in 2008.

I love his sense of colour and his very individual work. He was/still is a great inspiration for many pastel painters. His book "Raw Colour with Pastels" is a comprehensive and very inspiring book about his way of painting and pastels altogether.

Silent Trees- Canal du Midi  pastel on board 14" x 18"

Right Bank pastel on board


Venetto Landscape 27"x27" pastel on paper
We should always remember that we are artists, not scientists. Our job is to explore the beauty of two-dimensional form and colour in a way that stimulates the intellect and emotions, not necessarily be bound to any truth to nature.
-Mark Leach  

Thanks so much for your suggestion, Karin Goeppert!  


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