Bare Trees: Don Gray

The current theme here in the Art Room is that of Bare Trees.  Their leaves gone, the balanced beauty of a tree's structure and the subtle and varied colors of its bark are so pleasing to the eye. Although we know it will bud again, the sight of a tree in late autumn often bring thoughts of the onset of age, beautifully expressed in these well-known lines from Shakespeare:
That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
Don Gray paints a wide range of subject matter, including landscapes in all seasons. A subset of his winter landscapes are his lovely paintings of bare trees. These four paintings of trees show the deep respect for the natural world that Don brings to all his realist work.

Winter Tree oil on board  11 5/8" x 14 3/4" 2014

The Singing Tree  oil on board 12" x 16"  2014

Out Back  oil on canvas 8" x 10"  2012

Bare Orchard  watercolor  6" x 10"  2013

You can see more of Don Gray's work at his website and his blog.


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